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Project number:
Gas House Competition, First Prize
Peter Cook, David Greene
Project description

Submission for competition for new types of house design, run by the Gas Council. Design of housing for single people, one of four first prize winners.

The Gas Council announces a competition for four types of house design, with a £500 first prize in each class, and special awards for kitchen layouts. An assessor appointed by the RIBA, and not yet announced, will judge the entries.

The competition is open to all registered architects and RIBA students who work with them.; closing date for the competition is August 31; and full details and conditions are available from the Secretary, House Design Competition, The Gas Council, 1 Grosvenor Place, S.W.1.

Architects' Journal, 25th May 1961, p. 760


Competitors in the Gas Council’s House competition were permitted to enter for one or more of four different dwelling types, and these are the four designs which won the top award of £500 in each case. Left, for single persons, by Peter Cook in association with David Greene.

Architects' Journal, 11th October 1961, p. 582