Project number: | 035 |
Title: | Liverpool University Halls of Residence |
Date | 1962 |
Author: | Warren Chalk, Ron Herron |
Competition submission for the design of halls of residence for 1,100-1,200 students for Liverpool University.
Liverpool University, Halls of Residence T
he University of Liverpool is organising an open competition for halls of residence to hold 1,100 to 1,200 students on the Carnatic site at Mossley Hill, the cost of the works to be approximately £1,500,000.
Assessor will be: Sir James Mountford, MA, D.Litt., dcl, lid, vice-chancellor of the university; Donald Gibson, CBE, MA, DCL, FRIBA, MTPI; and Professor Myles Wright, MA, FRIBA, MTPI.
Premiums will be £5,000, £3,000, and £1,000, and further premiums, not exceeding a total of £2,000, may be awarded at the descension of the assessors for other designs of merit.
Closing date, September 4, 1962; last day for questions, January 1, 1962. Conditions available, on receipt of the £3 deposit, from: the Registrar, the University, Liverpool 3.
Architects' Journal, 27th September 1961